Odds Of Poker Hands Texas Holdem

Oct 26, 2020 If one poker player has a pocket pair and another has two over-cards, this has odds of between 54% and 57%. Suited Cards Odds In Texas Hold’em Seeing two suited cards will tempt you to play 9-4, but the odds Are 2.5%, which isn’t great.

  1. The table below shows the odds of each hand winning in typical all-in match ups in Texas Holdem. The percentage chance of winning assumes that both players are all-in and that all 5 community cards will be dealt to determine a winner. The table also assumes that there are no other players in the hand, although the results should be very similar.
  2. Sep 08, 2020 There are 1,326 distinct starting hands in Texas Hold’em Poker. They can be grouped into 13 pairs, 78 off-suit hands and 78 suited hands. There are ways to deal 2 hole cards from a deck of 52 cards.
  3. Using a Poker odds Calculator. Want to know how far ahead or behind you are in a Texas Hold’em hand against one, two or more opponents? Our poker calculator is the perfect medium for finding out the odds in any given situation.

Odds Of Poker Hands Texas Holdem Rules


Odds Of Poker Hands In Texas Hold'em

Example drawing toOutsMake on turnMake on riverMake on turn or river
Inside straight flush;
Four of a kind
Open-ended straight flush;
Three of a kind
High pair30.063814.7-10.065214.3-10.12497.01-1
Inside straight;
Full house
Three of a kind or two pair50.10648.40-10.10878.20-10.20353.91-1
Either pair60.12776.83-10.13046.67-10.24143.14-1
Full house or four of a kind; (see note)
Inside straight or high pair
Open-ended straight80.17024.88-10.17394.75-10.31452.18-1
Inside straight or pair100.21283.70-10.21743.60-10.38391.60-1
Open-ended straight or high pair110.23403.27-10.23913.18-10.41721.40-1
Inside straight or flush;
Flush or high pair
Open-ended straight or pair140.29792.36-10.30432.29-10.51160.955-1
Open-ended straight or flush;
Flush or pair; Inside straight,
flush or high pair
Inside straight or flush or pair;
Open-ended straight, flush or high pair
Open-ended straight, flush or pair210.44681.24-10.45651.19-10.69940.430-1