Uno And Friends

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Suspendisse sed aliquam sapien. In eu maximus lacus. Praesent eget diam eget elit dapibus hendrerit sed eget urna. Integer rutrum, tellus vitae ultricies bibendum, dolor urna sollicitudin tellus, ac luctus orci turpis suscipit odio. UNO makes its return with new exciting features! Match cards by color or value and play action cards to change things up. Race against others to empty your hand before everyone else in Classic play or customize your experience with House Rules.

Play web-based Uno Freak!
This website allows you to play 'Uno Freak' with other people, on your web browser without having to download or install any software, easily and for free. Registration isn't required, although it's recommended that you register for an account to enjoy features such as nicknames, messenger, ranking, and more!

Uno Freak Game Interface has been updated. The list of game commands can be viewed on the Game Guide.

Uno Freak Game Ranking has been updated. Uno simulation bots have joined the Bot Ranking.

Uno And Friends Rules

Uno and friends gameloft
Uno Freak Game Lobby has been updated. Private Uno Games can now be entered through the game lobby! To enter a private room, simply click join and enter the room password.

Uno Freak Game Interface has been updated. Uno bots are no longer busy and will join your game! The options for Uno Bots and Game Simulation are now available again. If you encounter any bugs, please report them through Support.

Uno Freak game simulation allows you to spectate on games, completely played by bots, for entertainment or analysis purposes. This Uno simulator may help in improving your Uno skills. To spectate, simply click 'Join', through the Uno simulation game, found on the game lobby.

Uno and friends rules
Uno Freak one-player games are available. In addition, an option for 'Uno Bots' is available when creating a room!

Uno And Friends Apk

Uno And Friends Play Online

Uno Freak accounts are available. Register as fast as you can to snatch a nickname you want to have!

Uno And Friends Hacks

You gain points by playing and winning against other real players (No bots and unregistered players). Your points are saved and shown on the Uno Freak Ranking.